We're happy when we know our customers are smiling, each time they see their favorite memories with their favorite music playing in the background on a DVD we personally created & customized,
just for them!
Shevell commenting via voicemail & email about 80th B-Day Celebration Video Gift for Father - June 2012
"I just saw the finished Video & this is just fantastic! It actually brought tears to my eyes. I think my Dad is really going to enjoy it. Thanks for all of your hard work! This is priceless!"
Lois' survey comments regarding the video created for her Photography business - 6/5/12
"They were willing to make additional edits to my video that I requested and everything turned out just fine! I was pleased with the entire process & would definitely recommend them to my friends!"
Phyllis commenting on a Free Sample DVD received in December 2011...
"We just watched your Demo DVD and we really enjoyed it! It was really good!"
12/11 EMAIL about her Christmas Video
Hi Xavier,
"I just watched both copies of my family Christmas DVD.
I loved the music that you chose and the other little details that you added!!
Thank you so much. I know the quality of the film wasn't great but you did a really great job.
I didn't expect scene choices! I'll definitely tell the ladies in my department about your talent.
I can hardly wait to see the other ones!
Thanks, again. I'm definitely very happy with the ones I saw tonight."
Blessings, Betty Kay
12/11 VOICE MESSAGE from Mrs. Rice about her 50th Anniversary Video/gift
"If this Business doesn't do well, I'd be shocked because you've definitely got the 'knack!' You deserve much success. The video was absolutely beautiful and that was my favorite song!"
"I needed this soooo much! I just love it, love it, love it! It's so beautiful and just what I needed at the time! Thank you!"
1/10/12 PERSONAL NOTE from Dorothy about one of our Sample DVDs:
"Hello …,Hope this will find you well. We are doing OK.
The Video of Your Home was beautiful. We have truly enjoyed the videos.
Thank you."